For businesses, club rooms, schools, universities and councils you will often see walls adorned with honours boards showcasing and recognising people who have made significant contributions or achievements. There really is no higher honour than seeing your name emblazoned in 23 crt gold leaf lettering on an honours board that will be gazed at in admiration for generations to come.
Gold leaf gliding is one of the oldest skills associated with communication via advertisement, identification, logos and business branding. As hand lettering, reverse gold leaf glass gilding, verre églomisé, glazing, marbling, and other painted finishes continues to expand.
The work of the traditional signwriter has always been in demand involving a precise art which takes many years to learn and more to master. A skilled signwriter, using quality sable brushes and the correct mixture of paint & solutions, can achieve beautiful painted lettering and shapes with a variety of effects to please the most discerning customer.
Gilded signage is both elegant & durable. This ‘unique classic’ approach to signage has always been the preferred choice of discerning people who understand the value of first impression when identifying & promoting their business or establishment.
Gold Leaf Honour BoardsWith 35 years of experience in handcrafted gold leaf lettering on honour boards, Signwriting Melbourne has worked for some prestigious colleges and universities, clubs and many other institutions. It is the traditional way to hand letter names on honour boards using 23 karat gold transfer leaf. The appearance of a craftsman built board with hand lettered gold names undoubtedly instills stability amongst members & confidence in the club room or establishment An oil based size is used to hand write the names or any scrolls required, only when the size has reached a drying time known as a ‘Whistling Tack’ the leaf is applied. The result is classic, stately and unique, and cannot be replicated by computer generated lettering.
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| Gold Leaf Gliding on GlassCustom gold leaf lettering on glass is the highest form of prestige signage in the industry. This skill has been handed down from generation to generation by skilful signwriters. This application can be seen on hipster barber stores, cafes, restaurants, clothing boutiques and tattoo outlets. Once the window is gilded and gold applied and burnished the appearance of a mirror look can be achieved looking from the outside of the glass, carefully outlined or shaded this creates an impact to potential customers. When gold leaf or silver leaf is applied to either Lettering, Logos, Artwork on any glass surface (eg. windows, splashbacks, glass ballustrades) the effect can instill in the observers longevity, establishment and stability. (Click on image to enlarge) |